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《糊涂侦探第三季》是Norman,Abbott,詹姆斯·科马驰,盖瑞·尼尔森,布鲁斯·比尔森,Jess,Oppenheimer,西德尼·米勒,唐·亚当斯导演的一部超级经典的美国美国片,该剧讲述了:Maxwell Smart is back...And Loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief, Fang and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmy Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Get Smarts unforgettable third season is a must-own collection of quintessential tel...,想看更多的相关影视作品,请收藏我们的网站:www.m.stlryy.com


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