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类型:剧情  地区:法国  年份:1951 


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《奥莉维娅》是Jacqueline,Audry导演的一部超级经典的法国剧情片,该剧讲述了:大概是法国第一部描写女同志的故事片吧   Olivia (also known as Pit of Loneliness) is a 1951 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It is based on the 1950 semi-autobiographical novel by Dorothy Bussy. It has been called a &quot;landmark of lesbian representation&quot;. Olivia arrives at a finishing school and falls in love with headmistress Mlle. Julie. Mlle. Julie feels the same, but tries to suppress he...,想看更多的相关影视作品,请收藏我们的网站:www.www.stlryy.com


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